Public guided tours
Public guides and oservations: Oct. 1 - March 31, Saturday at 8 p.m.
You have the opportunity to observe the stellar world with our telescopes and have upcoming questions in this context answered by our guides. In case of bad weather not permitting observations a guided tour will take place.
Duration: 1,5 to max. 3 hours
Fee: Adults: 10 € / pupils, apprentices and students: no charge
Registration with desired appointment and number of participants via
Public guides April 1 - Sept. 30, Saturday at 3 p.m.
You're first introduced into the history of the observatory. You the visit the collection of historic instruments. Knowledge about astronomy, the stars and the telescopes is then provided within the dome of the 1-m reflector and other telescopes. In case of good weather you observe the sun with special telescopes.
Duration: ca. 1,5 hrs.
Fee: Adults: 10 € / pupils, apprentices and students: free entrancei
Registration: Tourist-Information Daun (06592 / 9513-0).
Individual guided tours for groups and individuals with flexible scheduling
You're first informed about the history of the observatory. You the inspect the historical collection of instruments. You then gain knowledge on astronomy, the stars and the telecopes in the dome of the 1-m reflector.
Duration: ca. 1,5 hrs-
Fee: 10 € pro Person, at least 80,00 €
Information and registration with desired appointmewnt and number of participants via
In case of snowfall, winter tires on the car are a must! Our access road will not be cleared by the community. In case of heavy snowfall, the tours are completely cancelled, for safety reasons. The snow height is best taken from the data for the Mäuseberg near Daun. Also the webcams at Daun Airfield as well as in the vincinity of Schalkenmehren are worth checking.