Every once in a while the AVV organizes events on a larger scale, for example when special celestial phenomena occur, or when the association appears on radio and television. Sometimes the AVV can also come up with special lectures by well-known speakers; these events then take place in Forum Daun, with more than 500 seats.

Juli 27, 2018: Lunar Eclipse

March 8, 2017: Prof. Dr. Harald Lesch, Die Entstehung des Sonnensystems, (The Origin of the Solar System), Forum Daun
October 11, 2016: SWR3 TV station shoots for Expedition in die Heimat (expedition to the homeland). Broadcasting date: November 11, 2016, 8:15 pm.

August 12/13, 2015: observations of the Perseids Meteor Shower, ARD/ZDF Morgenmagazin.