We mourn for
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Seggewiß
* September 17, 1937 ✝ January 19, 2025
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Seggewiß was an outstanding personality with great scientific commitment and a warm, personal nature. His life and work were closely linked to the Hoher List Observatory. He was born on September 17, 1937 and received his doctorate from the University of Münster in 1967 before habilitating at the University of Bonn in 1977. He began his scientific career at the Hoher List Observatory as an assistant in 1967, later became an observatory director and worked from 1970 to 1985, first as a senior academic advisor and then from 1995 to 2002 as director of the observatory.
His research focused on the evolution of massive stars and the study of stellar populations in our home galaxy and neighboring galaxies. In addition, he was equally passionate about the history of astronomy, especially of the 15th and 16th centuries, and the study of historical celestial globes. His enthusiasm for science was reflected not only in his contributions to research, but also in his ability to convey complex topics in a clear and inspiring way in numerous public lectures.
His tireless commitment to preserving the Hoher List Observatory after the University of Bonn ceased scientific operations there deserves special mention. From 2002 to 2015, he headed the Friends of the Hoher List Observatory, later renamed the Astronomische Vereinigung Vulkaneifel am Hohen List e.V. His commitment made a significant contribution to preserving the facility as an educational and research site for amateur astronomy purposes.
However, Prof. Dr. Seggewiß was not only a scientist, but also a person with a wide range of interests. He enjoyed getting involved in cultural, musical and art-historical events in his home community of Daun, thus expressing his love of culture. His warm-hearted and humorous manner always made working with him pleasant and enriching.
His death leaves a great human and scientific void. The association, the region, his scientific companions and not least his family have lost an important personality in Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Seggewiß, whose legacy will reach far beyond the borders of the observatory.
On behalf of the board of the Astronomische Vereinigung Vulkaneifel am Hohen List e.V.
Dr. Martin Miller, 1st chairman
Comet and Saturn on Astronomy Day in the Eifel
Press article by Anna-Carina Blessmann from SWR
Broadcast from Saturday, October 19, 2024

Astronomy Day 2024
Date: Saturday, October 19, 2024 from 7:00 - 11:00 p.m.
Registration required at
Admission free, a donation is requested
There is no parking available on the observatory grounds. Information on parking facilities can be found at
Hike under the motto "Catching your breath in the universe". At various stations, scientists provide insights into the formation and development of the earth and volcanic activity.
Meeting point: 4:30 p.m. Parking lot on the L64
Arrival at Hoher List: approx. 6:45 p.m.
Program from 7 - 11 p.m.
- Observations with 1-m reflecting telescope (dome 6), Celestron C 11 (dome 7), 40 cm reflecting telescope in dome 1 (Astronomie AG of Johannes-Gymnasium Lahnstein) and various telescopes on the outdoor observation area.
- Guided Tour of the historical instrument collection
Program points in between:
7:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Lecture on spectroscopy with live demonstration of solar spectrum in reflection Moon
8:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Tour of observation tower 5 with the Bonn double refractor from 1899
9:00 - 9:30 p.m.
Lecture: Comet in the evening sky / ringed planet Saturn / moon near the Pleiades
Alternative program in case of bad weather:
Lecture, tour of an observation dome an the historical instrument collection.
Trip into space
Thanks to Egbert and Niklas for the impressive flight into space.
On August 28, 2024, the crew members of SpaceBuzzOne, Egbert Lutke and Niklas Lundssien, visited the Hoher List Observatory. After a guided tour, our guests observed the starry sky with the various telescopes. Thank you for your visit!
Night of the Perseids
More than 120 guests attended the Night of the Perseids at the Hoher List Observatory. Even though, as expected and announced, visitors were only able to catch a few shooting stars, this night-time event was a great success.
Finally, on Thursday, June 27, the contract of cooperation between the Junior Uni Daun and AVV has been furnished in the building of the Junior Uni. For the Junior Uni, director Prof. Dr. Helmut Willems and faculty coordinator of natural sciences, M.Sc. Katharina Göbel, and for AVV, the chair Prof. Dr. Ulrich Klein and the secretary, Robert Oster, came together for signing the contract.
Successful application by AVV for the so-called Zukunftspreis Heimat, endowed by the VR Bank RheinAhrEifel eG. A 1000 € prize could be obtained, which will be used for the construction of a barrier-free access to a special telesscope outside of the main dome.

Foto: AVV
Fotos: Jank Media
Fotos: Peter Seydel
10 years AVV

SWR Aktuell
SWR Aktuell vom 25. januar 2023
Faszination Weltall

Astronomieprofessor Uli Klein hat sein eigenes Observatorium im Garten
click here
Visit by Belgian amateur astronomers
We have been visited by four Belgian amateur astronomers from Sint-Denijs (not far from the French border just opposite of Roubaix) from May 8 to 12. Led by Francis Welker they arrived with their big mobile home, which was fully packed with telescopes and other equipment. They also had taken along good weather so that a successful stay was guaranteed. They deployed their instruments underneath the dome of the 1-m telescope, next to the little dome of the C11. Dr Martin Miller for one night to support them in using the 1-m telescope. They had Internet connection, and tasty food was provided down in Schalkenmehren. Of course, they also took part in our weekly club meeting on Tuesday night, which is being carried out in hybrid form since some time. In the end there was total enthusiasm. This new friendship and connection will now be nursed and surely imply a visit in Belgium.
Girls' Day on April 28, 2022
For the first time, AVV will open doors for Girls' Day this year and invite girls and women to the Hoher List observatory and convey information about astronomy as a hobby and profession. The full-day program will provide guided tours and public lectures about astronomical themes, special talks about studying astronomy at universities within Germany and elsewhere, along with course and job guidance. In case of clear sky the event will be completed with observations of celestical objects. More details can be found in here or here (in German).
Star gazing above the Eifel at Schalkenmehren
On March 8, SWR reporter Anna-Carina Blessmann visited the AVV at Hoher List Observatory. After a long shut-down, Corona and a long-lasting period with bad weather, she reported about the resumption of full activities in SWR Aktuell. At the same time, a cameraman of the local tv ok4 in Andernach was recording for a video clip about the AVV and its activities.
Junior-Uni Daun
The AVV will engage in the newly founded Junior-Uni Daun (see Junior-Uni Daun).
Public talk (in German) by the weather and climate expert Sven Plöger on Wednesday, May 18, 2022, 8 p.m. upon invitation by the AVV, to be held at Forum Daun. Title: "Der Blick nach vorn - was verändert
sich in unserer Atmosphäre?"

For more details, see here (in German).
We are grateful to our sponsors and to various private donators for financial support!
New cooperation of the AVV am Hohen List e.V. and the Natur- und Geopark Vulkaneifel

Signing of the cooperation agreement between AVV and Natur- und Geopark Vulkaneifel by the chairman of AVV, Prof. Dr. Uli Klein, and the municipal mayor of the association of municipalities of Geroldstein, Peter Böffgen. After signing in front of the AVV building with its dome (l.t.r.).: Dr. Andreas Schüller, Executive Officer of the Natur- und Geopark Vulkaneifel, Prof. Dr. Uli Klein, chairman of the AVV, Peter Böffgen, chairman of the supervisory board of the Natur- und Geopark Vulkaneifel GmbH, and Harald Simon, vice chairman of the AVV.
Visit of the AVV on December 2 by the distric administrator of the administrative district Vulkaneifel, Mrs. Gieseking and her speaker, Mrs. Welling, by the municipal mayor of the association of municipalities of Daun, Mr. Scheppe, by the local mayor of Schalkenmehren, Mr. Hartogh, and by the honorary member of AVV, Prof. Seggewiß and his wife.
AVV library and reading room, now furnished by J. Wüstenhagen und B. und H. Simon.
On Saturday, October 10, 2021, the municipal mayor
Thomas Scheppe undertzook the annual excursion with the local mayors. This time, a visit of the AVV was part of the programme. A very nice event with rather interested people!
Meine Zeit an der Sternwarte Hoher List
Ich war während meines zwei Wochen Aufenthalts in Schalkenmehren bei jeder sich bietenden Gelegenheit auf dem Hohen List bei den Profiastronomen zu Gast. Und es gab einige Gelegen-heiten. Den Höhepunkt der Instrumente möchte ich gleich vorwegnehmen. Das ist zweifellosdas große Spiegelteleskop mit einem Durchmesser von einem Meter. Es ist ein imposanter Anblick, wenn es sich anläßlich des öffentlichen Beobachtungsabends mit leisem Surren in Position bringt und sich in die weit geöffnete Kuppel dreht.
Dann kommt z.B. der Doppelstern Albireo durch das Okular ins Blickfeld. Wie er so wunderschön aufgelöst in seine beiden Einzelsterne, der größere leicht rötlich, der kleinere ins Bläuliche schimmernd, ihr Licht ins Auge schicken. Kein noch so hochglanzkaschiertes Foto kann diesen direkten Genuß ersetzen. Nicht unerwähnt bleiben darf dann auch die Führung über das Gelände des Observatoriums mit seinen verschiedenen Kuppeln, die aber alle im Schatten des großen Spiegels stehen. Im Anschluß an diese Führung konnten wir dann auch noch den Planeten Venus am Taghimmel bewundern, der sich sogar noch als "Halbvenus", analog zum Halbmond, präsentierte.
Es muß aber durchaus nicht gleich der große Spiegel sein. Schließlich hat jeder mal klein angefan-gen. So wartet denn auch neben dem "Großen" noch ein kleineres Spiegelteleskop mit elf Zoll Durchmesser auf den "Einsteiger". Die Handhabung ist leicht zu erlernen: Nach Empfang des GPS-Signals und dem Benennen zweier Referenzsterne können die vorprogrammierten Objekte am Himmel sofort angesteuert werden. Ein Blick zurück über die Schulter zum "Großen" läßt ahnen: Zu dir komm ich auch noch!
Ich hatte eine sehr schöne Zeit bei den Profi-Astronomen am Hohen List in Schalkenmehren. Es war nicht mein letzter Besuch dort. Ich komme wieder.
Night of the Perseids
As every year, the Perseids can be admired in the night of August 12 to 13. In its orbit about the sun, the earth crosses the orbit of comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle. It then hits the comet's ejecta, which it has lost during its past close approaches to the sun. The small particles thereby penetrate into the earth's atmosphere at high speed (60 km/s) and ionise the air. Upon recombination, the ionised molecules emit light, which is observed as falling stars. In case of the Persdeis, the radiant (apparent origin of the meteors in the sky) is located in the constellation of Perseus.
Given clear skies, the AVV will receive interested visitors at Hoher List Observatory on August 12, starting at 7 p.m. We shall offer a short explanatory talk as well as guided observations and photography (preferentially a wide-angle camera with tripod) of this celestial phenomenon. Meteors are most eassily observed with the naked eye, lying on a meadow due east, so bringing a blanket is recommended.
The night of the Perseids has attracted quite a few visitors. Also SWR broadcasting has bveen present, with a report presented on radio SWR1 on the subsequent morning as well as the following article.
SWR TV at Hoher List
A team of SWR visited Hoher List observatory on July 3, 2021 on the occasion of re-opening the observatory for the public after a long shut-down period caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The broadcast was presented on the same day in the framework of SWR Aktuell Rheinland-Pfalz and can be viewed here.