
Presentation of the AVV at the 'Dorf- und Gästefest' in Schalkenmehren on July 10, .2022. Frank Bonn, Uli Klein, Robert Oster, Harald Simon, Arend Sommer and Jochen Wüstenhagen were present to answer any questions of the many visitors. Quite a few telescopes were set up, and occasionally the sun appeared so that sunspots could e sshoewn to the visitors in white light, and prominences in Hα.. A talk entitled Faszinierendes über Schalkenmehren was given in the DGH.

The new solar Hα telescope has arrived. It has found its location between Turm 6 (1-m telescope) and Turm 7 (C11). But it can also be attached to the 1-m telescope. Yet again, diligent hands have established a firm mount for the telescope.

Telescope data:

Δλ < 0,5 Å (Double Stack)

f = 400 mm

D =70 mm


Diameter of ethalon filter: 60mm

Blocking filter BF15

Clearing-out action on March 20, 2021. Parts of the meridian instrument find a new home in the main building of Bruno Nelles. Really heavy stuff - bulging muscles needed! The 'Gang of Four': R. Oster, R. Goffart, J. Wüstenhagen, G. Herzogenrath.

Surprise on May 7, 2021: In search for the main water tap, our experts discover a 'dungeon' beneath a floor plate (that had never been taken notice of), which is more than 4 m high and subtends the enture diamter of the 6-m dome. Apart from the main tap, three control boxes and a car windscreen are found (but no skeleton). Our 'archeologists': J. Wüstenhagen, R. Goffart und R. Oster.

Renovation on May 19, 2021 - with a lot of drive and in good mood. Our 'artists': R. Oster, J. Wüstenhagen, R. Goffart, H. Simon.

Renovation on June 16, 2021 - in big heat. This time on board: R. Oster, R. Goffart, N. Löhr, Y. and K. Westerhausen.

Renovation with 'full staff' on June 26, 2021.

Laufende und abgeschlossene Arbeiten
Art der Arbeit
Errichtung des neueen Sonnenteleskops  H. Simon, R. Goffart, H. P. Franzen 2022
Einrichtung Küche/Vorratsraum  J. Wüstenhagen, R. Goffart 2022
Kooperationsvertrag mit dem Natur- und Geopark Vulkaneifel  R. Oster, U. Klein 2021
Einrichtung Leseraum, Inventarisierung  J. Wüstenhagen, H. + B. Simon 2021
Artikel über die AVV in "Eifel hautnah – Das Buch 2022"  U. Klein
Artikel über das Observatorium Hoher List
und die AVV im Heimatjahrbuch 2022 des
Landkreises Vulkaneifel
 U. Klein
Entrümpelung, Renovierung  R. Oster, J. Wüstenhagen, R. Goffart
 H. Simon, G. Herzogenrath, L. von Brandis
 Y. + K. Westerhausen, N. Löhr, T. + J. Freis
 D. Frangenberg, F. Bonn, F. Scholer
ATIK Infinity LiveStacking Color Kamera  M. Miller 2021
QHY 174M-GPS High Speed Kamera  I. Pütz, G. Herzogenrath
Test des 1-Meter-Teleskopes mit/ohne Fokalreduktor  H. Simon, M. Miller
Test des Astrographen (Turm 2) mit DSLRs (Bericht pdf)  B. Nelles, I. Pütz, G. Herzogenrath
Artikel über die AVV in Sterne & Weltraum
(Ausgabe 4/2021, S. 74)
 U. Klein
Artikel über die AVV in Wikipedia (D)  U. Klein, R. Oster
Artikel über die AVV in Wikipedia (E)  U. Klein, R. Oster
Artikel über die AVV in astronomie - DAS MAGAZIN
(Ausgabe 15 Jan.-Feb. 2021, S. 84)
 U. Klein
Eintrag der AVV in Komoot  R. Oster
Eintrag der AVV in Outdooractive  R. Oster
Neuverspiegelung des 1-m Cassegrain-
und des 60- cm RC-Teleskops
 H. Simon, G. Herzogenrath
 M. Polder, Franz-Josef Willems
Test der QHY-42 Scientific Kamera  M. Miller

The partial solar eclipse on June 10, 2ß21 has been documented photographically by some members with their private equipment. AVV could not offer any public viewing of the eclipse, owing to the pandemic. Here is a small collection of imges of the eclipse:

Uli Klein has refurbished his 50 years old refractor for the eclipse. He had devised the projection screen at the time in such a way that I could superimpose a coordinate grid for any orientation of the sun, onto which he drew the sunspots with a sharp pencil. Still today, the projection works pretty well as can be seen here.

Harald Simon: Image in the Hα line with Coronado 90 Double Stack, Camera Skyris 445 Mono. 1000 each, with 15% used.

Martin Miller: Image taken with a 72mm Lacerta APO + Barlow lense + Baader solar sheet, f_eff = 360 mm, Canon EOS 1000, ISO 200, 1/500 sec. exposure at 12:22 CEST (around about max. coverage by the moon).

HoPe Franzen: Image taken with a PST solar telescope and a Lumix DMC - FS16, ca. 12.20 CEST during lunch break without any processing, just cropped.